


今晚,Vincent 与我们分享一部福音电影,叫Fly Wheel..故事说到一位卖二手车的老板如何靠着上帝改变他的生命。这位老板在生命还没被改变前是一位狡猾、不诚实的老板。但是,上帝有他的时间,他的方式来改变一个人。

这部戏让我学习到不少的功课。其中一节经文在箴言书3:5[你要专心仰赖耶和华,不可依靠自己的聪明。] 还有一句话,就是:"神,这是你的车厂,由你来掌管这一切"。



Bobby Chai said...

Remember God is in control of everything, God is almighty, He gives free will to mankind, God has mercy and justice and He has His time, if you are reluctant (not willing to do or unhappy to do something) or lack of sensitivity of God's work you better watch out perhaps repent before He put the judgement on you. God doesn't need anyone to fullfil His will, He can erect stone to perform His will and that's why the Lord's prayer emphasize God's will at the very begining.

The example you given is good, the driver willing to do this, He knows God's will, when your will and God's will match you will be safe, if it is the other way then you are walking away from God. The other issue is obedience, the act of willing to obey. At the moment I are not sure I can enter eternal life or not haha. Remember Jesus's parable - faithful servant, Malda and Marie; Jonah in the city of Nineveh etc etc.

Jesus teaches his disciple how to pray by using the lord's prayer. He doesn't tell his disciple to follow how Moses or David or Job's prayer, I didnt say their prayer is bad, they are equally good and useful, but Jesus said you should pray like this(Lord's prayer). If I going in to details of the Lord's prayer it could be another topic so back on track, therefore God is fearful and just, if God is taking control/role on the job/work/ministry/family/relationship on your life and if He want you to do something in life and to glorify His name and you are reluctant or refuse to do so then you have to bare the responsibility when you go in to eternity that is our heavenly home.

In conclusion, knowing God's will in your life is essential, He has His plan on you. A very good example in bible is Jesus himself, He knows Father's will that he came to this world is die for the sins, he has his hardship, remember in Gethsemane He prayed, "My Father, if it is not possible for this cup to be taken away unless I drink it, may your will be done." How a prayer it was, may Your will be done, not mine. Jesus is suffering and yet he know His purpose/God's will. What a great example! If Jesus refuse to do it or He doesn't know or disobey what God's will is what would you think? Maybe we still live in a sinful life. Keep ponder God's word brothers and sisters. Lastly, Keep on fire on Him!!!!

November 8, 2008 at 6:39 PM  
